Monday, January 25, 2010

Start of a New Year

Well, I have finally figured out how to get new backgrounds. Now I just need to find other websites so I have more to choose from -- maybe that's not a good idea. Anyway, you can really spend hours messing around with this stuff! I guess it doesn't really matter too much for me, as I don't think anyone is even reading this.

The New Year started out with all of the kids having strep throat and missing the first week back to school. Everyone is better now -- what a relief!

We had a lot of fun over Winter break. We were here a few days, in Overton a few days, and then Tony and Tina followed us home to spend New Year's Eve and day with us. I'll be sure to post pictures soon.

I don't have much to say today, but I will post again soon.

Thanks Brittney for following my blog! Love ya! Come stay with us or at least have dinner next time you and Danny are in Sunny San Diego!


  1. Yeah, you finally blogged!! Glad everyone is feeling better.

  2. You did a great job. It will waist a lot of your day if you let it but it is fun to see how everyone grows. I love the family photo. I can't believe how much the girls have grown. What beautiful girls.
